File: $ECE_8527/resources/data/set_15/lists/ This directory contains data extracted from the TNMG cardiology data. Here is a brief description of the data. In the lists directory, there are the following: nedc_130_[1]: p /data/isip/www/isip/courses/temple/ece_8527/resources/data/set_15 nedc_130_[1]: d total 68 drwxrwxr-x 6 picone isip 8 Apr 28 20:03 ./ drwxrwxr-x 17 picone isip 18 Apr 14 02:22 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 picone isip 2803 Apr 28 20:03 AAREADME.txt -r--r--r-- 1 picone isip 3135 Apr 28 20:03 AAREADME.txt,v drwxrwxr-x 3 picone isip 3 Apr 28 19:12 data/ drwxrwxr-x 3 picone isip 5 Apr 17 23:20 evaluation/ drwxrwxr-x 2 picone isip 22 Apr 28 19:58 lists/ drwx------ 4 picone isip 6 Apr 19 01:06 subsets/ data/eval contains the eval data. The lists directory includes these files: nedc_130_[1]: ls -1 lists ... data_train_healthy.csv data_train_healthy.list data_train_healthy.listh data_train_unhealthy.csv data_train_unhealthy.list data_train_unhealthy.listh data_dev_healthy.csv data_dev_healthy.list data_dev_healthy.listh data_dev_unhealthy.csv data_dev_unhealthy.list data_dev_unhealthy.listh data_eval.list data_eval.listh The filenames should be self-explanatory. The data itself is stored in .dat files. These are data sampled at 300 Hz and 2200 samples long. All files have the same length to make things easy. This is 8-channel data: 1dAVb,RBBB,LBBB,SB,AF,ST. You do not need to worry about what these mean initially. Just treat them as a single multichannel signal so you model correlations between channels. These .dat files contain 16-bit signed integers in an interleaved format: sig[0][0] - first sample, first channel sig[0][1] - first sample, second channel ... sig[0][7] - first sample, last channel sig[1][0] - second sample, first channel ... sig[1][7] - second sample, last channel ... sig[2199][0] - last sample, first channel ... sig[2199][7] - last sample, last channel, end of file The annotations are stored in the corresponding csv files. These match the *.list files line by line. To run the scoring tool, try running this demo first: nedc_130_[1]: p /data/isip/www/isip/courses/temple/ece_8527/resources/data/set_15 nedc_130_[1]: sd evaluation/ /data/isip/www/isip/courses/temple/ece_8527/resources/data/set_15/evaluation nedc_130_[1]: ./ tests/ref_tnmg.csv tests/hyp_tnmg.csv Metric 1: simple accuracy err / acc = 0.0242 / 0.9758 Metric 2: micro accuracy / precision / recall / f1 micro acc / prec / rec / f1 = 0.9960 / 0.9207 / 0.9557 / 0.9379 Metric 3: macro accuracy / precision / recall / f1 [1dAVb] acc / prec / rec / f1 = 0.9927 / 0.8667 / 0.9286 / 0.8966 [RBBB] acc / prec / rec / f1 = 0.9952 / 0.8947 / 1.0000 / 0.9444 [LBBB] acc / prec / rec / f1 = 1.0000 / 1.0000 / 1.0000 / 1.0000 [SB] acc / prec / rec / f1 = 0.9952 / 0.8333 / 0.9375 / 0.8824 [AF] acc / prec / rec / f1 = 0.9964 / 1.0000 / 0.7692 / 0.8696 [ST] acc / prec / rec / f1 = 0.9964 / 0.9474 / 0.9730 / 0.9600 macro acc / prec / rec / f1 = 0.9960 / 0.9237 / 0.9347 / 0.9255 Your ref and hyp file should follow the format in these examples.