#!/usr/bin/env python # # file: $ISIP_EXP/tuh_dpath/exp_0074/scripts/decode.py # # revision history: # 20190925 (TE): first version # # usage: # python decode.py odir mfile data # # arguments: # odir: the directory where the hypotheses will be stored # mfile: input model file # data: the input data list to be decoded # # This script decodes data using a simple MLP model. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # import pytorch modules # import torch # import the model and all of its variables/functions # from model import * from dataset import * # import modules # import sys import os #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # global variables are listed here # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # general global values # NUM_ARGS = 3 SPACE = " " COMMA = "," HYP_EXT = ".hyp" # for reproducibility, we seed the rng # set_seed(SEED1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # the main program starts here # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # function: main # # arguments: none # # return: none # # This method is the main function. # def main(argv): # ensure we have the correct number of arguments # if(len(argv) != NUM_ARGS): print("usage: python nedc_decode_mdl.py [ODIR] [MDL_PATH] [EVAL_SET]") exit(-1) # define local variables # odir = argv[0] mdl_path = argv[1] fname = argv[2] num_feats = DEF_NUM_FEATS if("DL_NUM_FEATS" in os.environ): num_feats = int(os.environ["DL_NUM_FEATS"]) # if the odir doesn't exist, we make it # if not os.path.exists(odir): os.makedirs(odir) # get the hyp file name # hyp_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] + HYP_EXT # set the device to use GPU if available # device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # get a file pointer # try: eval_fp = open(fname, "r") except (IOError, KeyError) as e: print("[%s]: %s" % (fname, e)) exit(-1) # get array of the data # data: [[0, 1, ... 26], [27, 28, ...] ...] # labels: [0, 0, 1, ...] # eval_data, _ = get_data(eval_fp, num_feats) # close the file # eval_fp.close() # instantiate a model # model = Model(num_feats, NUM_NODES, NUM_CLASSES) # moves the model to the device # model.to(device) # set the model to evaluate # model.eval() # load the weights # model.load_state_dict(torch.load(mdl_path, map_location=device)) # the output file # try: ofile = open(os.path.join(odir, hyp_name), 'w+') except IOError as e: print(os.path.join(odir, hyp_name)) print("[%s]: %s" % (hyp_name, e.strerror)) exit(-1) # get the number of data points # num_points = len(eval_data) # for each data point # for index, data_point in enumerate(eval_data): # print informational message # print("decoding %4d out of %d" % (index+1, num_points)) # pass the input through the model # output = model(torch.tensor(data_point, dtype=torch.float32).to(device)) # write the highest probablity to the file # ofile.write(str(int(output.max(0)[1])) + COMMA + COMMA.join([str(point) for point in data_point]) + NEW_LINE) # close the file # ofile.close() # exit gracefully # return True # # end of function # begin gracefully # if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:]) # # end of file