// https://www.tutorialspoint.com/data_structures_algorithms/hash_table_program_in_c.htm // #include #include #include #include #define SIZE 20 struct DataItem { int data; int key; }; struct DataItem* hashArray[SIZE]; struct DataItem* dummyItem; struct DataItem* item; int hashCode(int key) { return key % SIZE; } struct DataItem *search(int key) { //get the hash int hashIndex = hashCode(key); //move in array until an empty while(hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL) { if(hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key) return hashArray[hashIndex]; //go to next cell ++hashIndex; //wrap around the table hashIndex %= SIZE; } return NULL; } void insert(int key,int data) { struct DataItem *item = (struct DataItem*) malloc(sizeof(struct DataItem)); item->data = data; item->key = key; //get the hash int hashIndex = hashCode(key); //move in array until an empty or deleted cell while(hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL && hashArray[hashIndex]->key != -1) { //go to next cell ++hashIndex; //wrap around the table hashIndex %= SIZE; } hashArray[hashIndex] = item; } struct DataItem* mydelete(struct DataItem* item) { int key = item->key; //get the hash int hashIndex = hashCode(key); //move in array until an empty while(hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL) { if(hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key) { struct DataItem* temp = hashArray[hashIndex]; //assign a dummy item at deleted position hashArray[hashIndex] = dummyItem; return temp; } //go to next cell ++hashIndex; //wrap around the table hashIndex %= SIZE; } return NULL; } void display() { int i = 0; for(i = 0; ikey,hashArray[i]->data); else printf(" ~~ "); } printf("\n"); } int main() { dummyItem = (struct DataItem*) malloc(sizeof(struct DataItem)); dummyItem->data = -1; dummyItem->key = -1; insert(1, 20); insert(2, 70); insert(42, 80); insert(4, 25); insert(12, 44); insert(14, 32); insert(17, 11); insert(13, 78); insert(37, 97); display(); item = search(37); if(item != NULL) { printf("Element found: %d\n", item->data); } else { printf("Element not found\n"); } mydelete(item); item = search(37); if(item != NULL) { printf("Element found: %d\n", item->data); } else { printf("Element not found\n"); } }