// file: $(ECE_1111)/labs/01/l01_03/myprog.cc // // local include files // #include #include #include "myprog.h" // main: myprog // // This is a driver program that does some very simple things. // int main(int argc, const char** argv) { MYSH myshoe; fprintf(stdout, "struct is at %u\n", &myshoe); fprintf(stdout, "color is at %u\n", &myshoe.color); fprintf(stdout, "size is at %u\n", &myshoe.size); // exit gracefully // return(0); } // implement the print function // void myprint(FILE* fp_a, shoes shoe_a) { fprintf(fp_a, "color = %s\n", shoe_a.color); fprintf(fp_a, "size = %f\n", shoe_a.size); return; }