# file: $(NEDC_NFC)/class/cpp/Cmdl/Makefile # # define the object files (this must go first) # OBJ = cmdl_00.o cmdl_01.o cmdl_02.o cmdl_03.o # define a dummy target (this must go next) # all: $(OBJ) # define compilation flags # CFLAGS += -O2 -c #CFLAGS += -g -c # define dependencies # DEPS = Cmdl.h ./Makefile # define include files # INCLUDES = -I../../../include/ -I../../../../common/boost/ # define a dummy target # all: $(OBJ) # define a target to make sure all source files are compiled # %.o: %.cc $(DEPS) g++ $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $< # define a special target to install the code # install: cp Cmdl.h ../../../include/ ar rvs ../../../lib/libdsp.a cmdl_??.o ranlib ../../../lib/libdsp.a # define a target to clean the directory # clean: rm -f cmdl_??.o # # end of file