A typical scoring report from the NIST standard scoring software is shown below:
DETAILED OVERALL REPORT FOR THE SYSTEM: hypotheses_808080_total.out


 sentences                                        12547
 with errors                              1.9%   ( 241)

   with substitions                       1.1%   ( 134)
   with deletions                         0.2%   (  20)
   with insertions                        0.8%   ( 102)


Percent Total Error       =    0.6%   ( 263)

Percent Correct           =   99.6%   (41061)

Percent Substitution      =    0.3%   ( 138)
Percent Deletions         =    0.1%   (  21)
Percent Insertions        =    0.3%   ( 104)
Percent Word Accuracy     =   99.4%

Ref. words                =           (41220)
Hyp. words                =           (41303)
Aligned words             =           (41324)

CONFUSION PAIRS                  Total                 (38)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (38)

   1:   13  ->  five ==> oh
   2:   12  ->  oh ==> nine
   3:    9  ->  nine ==> oh
   4:    8  ->  two ==> three
   5:    7  ->  oh ==> eight
   6:    7  ->  oh ==> four
   7:    6  ->  four ==> five
   8:    5  ->  eight ==> three
   9:    5  ->  five ==> nine
  10:    5  ->  four ==> oh
  11:    5  ->  three ==> eight
  12:    5  ->  zero ==> oh
  13:    4  ->  oh ==> seven
  14:    4  ->  seven ==> oh
  15:    4  ->  three ==> two
  16:    3  ->  eight ==> six
  17:    3  ->  eight ==> two
  18:    3  ->  nine ==> one
  19:    3  ->  oh ==> two
  20:    3  ->  two ==> oh
  21:    2  ->  eight ==> one
  22:    2  ->  five ==> eight
  23:    2  ->  nine ==> five
  24:    2  ->  oh ==> zero
  25:    2  ->  seven ==> one
  26:    2  ->  six ==> eight
  27:    1  ->  eight ==> five
  28:    1  ->  eight ==> nine
  29:    1  ->  eight ==> seven
  30:    1  ->  four ==> one
  31:    1  ->  one ==> five
  32:    1  ->  one ==> four
  33:    1  ->  seven ==> nine
  34:    1  ->  seven ==> six
  35:    1  ->  seven ==> zero
  36:    1  ->  six ==> three
  37:    1  ->  three ==> one
  38:    1  ->  zero ==> two

INSERTIONS                       Total                 (11)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (11)

   1:   43  ->  oh
   2:   17  ->  eight
   3:   13  ->  six
   4:    9  ->  one
   5:    8  ->  nine
   6:    6  ->  two
   7:    3  ->  three
   8:    2  ->  four
   9:    1  ->  five
  10:    1  ->  seven
  11:    1  ->  zero

DELETIONS                        Total                 (3)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (3)

   1:   11  ->  oh
   2:    6  ->  eight
   3:    4  ->  two

SUBSTITUTIONS                    Total                 (11)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (11)

   1:   35  ->  oh
   2:   20  ->  five
   3:   16  ->  eight
   4:   14  ->  nine
   5:   12  ->  four
   6:   11  ->  two
   7:   10  ->  three
   8:    9  ->  seven
   9:    6  ->  zero
  10:    3  ->  six
  11:    2  ->  one

* NOTE: The 'Substitution' words are those reference words
        for which the recognizer supplied an incorrect word.

FALSELY RECOGNIZED               Total                 (11)
                                 With >=  1 occurances (11)

   1:   39  ->  oh
   2:   19  ->  nine
   3:   16  ->  eight
   4:   14  ->  three
   5:   11  ->  two
   6:   10  ->  five
   7:    9  ->  one
   8:    8  ->  four
   9:    5  ->  seven
  10:    4  ->  six
  11:    3  ->  zero

* NOTE: The 'Falsely Recognized' words are those hypothesis words
        which the recognizer incorrectly substituted for a reference word.


System name:   hypotheses_808080_total.out

    0:  bg
    1:  bk
   161:  sn
   162:  tb

Speaker sentences   0:  bg   #utts: 77
id: (bg_119oo39a)
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 7 0 0 0
REF:  one one nine oh oh three nine 
HYP:  one one nine oh oh three nine 

id: (bt_41722a)
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 5 0 0 1
REF:  four ** one seven two two 
HYP:  four OH one seven two two 
Eval:      I                    

id: (gf_886374oa)
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 6 1 0 0
REF:  eight eight six three seven FOUR oh 
HYP:  eight eight six three seven OH   oh 
Eval:                             S       

id: (gf_886a)
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 0 0 0
REF:  eight eight six 
HYP:  eight eight six 

id: (gf_892a)
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 0 0 0
REF:  eight nine two 
HYP:  eight nine two 

id: (gf_8a)
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 0 0 0
REF:  eight 
HYP:  eight 

id: (gf_8b)
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 1 0 0 0
REF:  eight 
HYP:  eight 

id: (gf_8o156a)
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 5 0 0 0
REF:  eight oh one five six 
HYP:  eight oh one five six 

id: (gf_914a)
Scores: (#C #S #D #I) 3 0 0 0

                     SYSTEM SUMMARY PERCENTAGES by SPEAKER                      

       |                  hypotheses_808080_total.out                   |
       | SPKR   | # Snt # Wrd | Corr    Sub    Del    Ins    Err  S.Err |
       | bg     |   77    253 |100.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0 |
       | bk     |   77    253 | 99.6    0.4    0.0    0.0    0.4    1.3 |
       | Sum/Avg|12547  41220 | 99.6    0.3    0.1    0.3    0.6    1.9 |
       |  Mean  | 77.0  252.9 | 99.6    0.3    0.1    0.3    0.6    1.9 |
       |  S.D.  |  0.2    1.1 |  1.1    1.0    0.2    0.7    1.4    3.9 |
       | Median | 77.0  253.0 |100.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.4    1.3 |

                     SYSTEM SUMMARY PERCENTAGES by SPEAKER                      
        |                 hypotheses_808080_total.out                  |
        | SPKR | # Snt # Wrd | Corr    Sub    Del    Ins    Err  S.Err |
        | bg   |   77    253 |  253      0      0      0      0      0 |
        | bk   |   77    253 |  252      1      0      0      1      1 |
        | Sum  |12547  41220 |41061    138     21    104    263    241 |
        | Mean | 77.0  252.9 |251.9    0.8    0.1    0.6    1.6    1.5 |
        | S.D. |  0.2    1.1 |  2.9    2.5    0.4    1.7    3.5    3.0 |
        |Median| 77.0  253.0 |253.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    1.0    1.0 |