- Objectives:
- Introduce the concept of a distance measure
- Introduce statistically-weighted distance measures
- Review maximum likelihood classification
- Explore the relationship between weighted distance measures
and maximum likelihood classification
- Introduce the Mahalanobis distance measure
This material can be found in most pattern recognition textbooks.
This is the book we recommend:
R.O. Duda, P.E. Hart, and D.G. Stork,
Pattern Classification (Second Edition),
Wiley Interscience, New York, New York, USA,
ISBN: 0-471-05669-3, 2000.
and use in our pattern recognition course. The material in
this lecture follows this textbook closely:
J. Deller, et. al.,
Discrete-Time Processing of Speech Signals,
MacMillan Publishing Co., ISBN: 0-7803-5386-2, 2000.
Each of these sources contain references to the seminal publications
in this area, including our all-time favorite:
K. Fukunga,
Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition,
MacMillan Publishing Company, San Diego, California, USA,
ISBN: 0-1226-9851-7, 1990.