Professor Joseph Picone
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mississippi State University

phone/fax: 662-325-5444; office: 2133 CAVS

Modern speech understanding systems merge interdisciplinary technologies from Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, Natural Language, and Linguistics into a unified statistical framework. These systems, which have applications in a wide range of signal processing problems, represent a revolution in Digital Signal Processing (DSP). Once a field dominated by vector-oriented processors and linear algebra-based mathematics, the current generation of DSP-based systems rely on sophisticated statistical models implemented using a complex software paradigm. Such systems are now capable of understanding continuous speech input for vocabularies of hundreds of thousands of words in operational environments.

In this course, we will explore the core components of modern statistically-based speech recognition systems. We will view speech recognition problem in terms of three tasks: signal modeling, network searching, and language understanding. We will conclude our discussion with an overview of state-of-the-art systems, and a review of available resources to support further research and technology development.

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