Aravind Ganapathiraju
Institute for Signal and Information Processing
Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762
email: ganapath@isip.msstate.edu


Hidden Markov Models (HMM) have been the most widely used and successful modeling units for speech recognition. Existence of efficient ways to estimate the model parameters has been a driving force for its popularity. Traditionally Maximum Likelihood (ML) has been the chosen of parameter estimation paradigm. The goal of this estimation process is to maximize the likelihood of the data given the model. Therefore it is a representative technique where every model uses only the positive examples to update its parameters.

Though ML is useful, it does not guarantee improved recognition performance. Several techniques have been developed over the years that try to increase the discrimination power of the models by exposing the models to negative examples. Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) is one such estimation paradigm where the goal is to maximize the mutual information between the models and the training data. In one form this boils down to a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator. Another discriminative technique that has gained prominence in the recent past is the Minimum Classification Error (MCE) where the goal is to explicitly improve classification performance of the models on the training data. In general discriminative techniques take longer to optimize parameters compared to ML. Their success on LVCSR tasks has been marginal at best. This talk will provide a mathematical description of some of these discriminative techniques and discuss their pros and cons.

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