************************************************ Readme file for the Image Processing Group 1997 MSU DSP project Project Name: gui.tcl Author: Kyle Meadors (kam1@ece.msstate.edu) Team Members: John Burnham (jab2@ece.msstate.edu) Jonathan Hardy (jeh3@ece.msstate.edu) Professor: Dr. Joesph Picone (picone@isip.msstate.edu) Subject: MSU DSP Fall 1997 In conjunction with the Digital Signal Processing class at Mississippi State University, a project was completed comparing different image detection algorithms. To demonstrate the project, a gui was developed using the Tcl programming language. Functionality: The gui allows images to be chosen and displayed. The images MUST be in PGM format. The algorithms can then be run on the images to display a thresholded image. Different arguments for the algorithms can also be set. The default values for the arguments can be set by pressing the "Reset Thresholds" button. The demonstration was set up to execute both static and dynamic images. The dynamic images were to be grapped a camera and deposited in a specific directory. The freshly grapped image was called "reality.bmp". For use in the Tcl code, it had to be converted to "reality.pgm". In the gui, a button "Load Realtime Image" would grap the image "reality.pgm". To use this button on a different platform that the one it was designed for, the Tcl code must be modified. To grap static images, press the "Load Database Image" button and select the image from desired directory. Execution: Variations depend on the system which is running Tcl/Tk. Most likely, execution can be done by typing either "wish gui.tcl" or simply "gui.tcl". Obviously, the system must have code to execute the Tcl. Limitations: 1.) The executable algorithms themselves, roberts, sobel, robinson, canny, thresh, and hough, must be in the same directory as the gui. 2.) Due to limitation in the algorithm code, the path name to the image is limited. Error message will be displayed if a certain path name length is execeeded. 3.) The images themselves must be exactly 7 characters long plus the extention ".pgm" Send comments or questions to Kyle Meadors (kam1@ece.msstate.edu) or Dr. Joesph Picone (picone@isip.msstate.edu).