/* ERIK S. WHEELER conv.cc Convolution using linked lists read from 2 binary data file. 16 BIT DATA */ #include #include #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define MAXLENGTH_DEFAULT 32768 #define MAXHD 10000 typedef double datatype; typedef struct listelement_type { datatype dataitem; struct listelement_type *next; struct listelement_type *prev; } listelement; listelement_type *AddItemOldList (listelement_type *finalptr, datatype data) { listelement_type *tempptr; if ((finalptr -> next = (struct listelement_type *) malloc (sizeof (listelement_type))) == NULL) { printf("\nMemory Allocation Error -- Execution Aborted\n"); exit(1); } tempptr = finalptr; finalptr = finalptr -> next; finalptr -> next = NULL; finalptr -> prev = tempptr; finalptr -> dataitem = data; return finalptr; } listelement_type * AddItemNewList (listelement_type * listptr, datatype data) { if ((listptr = (struct listelement_type *) malloc (sizeof (listelement_type))) == NULL) { printf("\nMemory Allocation Error -- Execution Aborted\n"); exit(1); } listptr -> next = NULL; listptr -> prev = NULL; listptr -> dataitem = data; return listptr; } datatype MultItem (listelement_type *ptr1, listelement_type *ptr2, float decrement) { datatype returndata = 0; listelement_type * sp2 = ptr2; returndata = ptr1 -> dataitem * ptr2 -> dataitem; while (((ptr1 = ptr1-> next) != NULL) && ((ptr2 = ptr2 -> prev) != NULL)) { returndata = returndata + ((ptr1 -> dataitem) * (ptr2 -> dataitem)); } ptr2 = sp2; if ((abs((int)(1000*(ptr2->dataitem-decrement))))==((int)(1000*(ptr2->dataitem-decrement)))) { ptr2->dataitem = ptr2->dataitem - decrement; } else ptr2->dataitem = 0.0; while ((ptr2=ptr2->next)!=NULL){ if ((abs((int)(1000*(ptr2->dataitem-decrement))))==((int)(1000*(ptr2->dataitem-decrement)))) { ptr2->dataitem = ptr2->dataitem - decrement; } else ptr2->dataitem = 0.0; } return returndata; } listelement_type * LargestItem(listelement_type * listptr) { listelement_type * tempptr = listptr; while (listptr != NULL) { if (abs((int)listptr -> dataitem) > abs((int)tempptr -> dataitem)) { tempptr = listptr; } listptr = listptr -> next; } return tempptr; } void NormalizeTo1000 (listelement_type * listptr) { datatype normalfactor = 1000; while (listptr != NULL) { listptr -> dataitem = (listptr -> dataitem) / normalfactor ; listptr = listptr -> next; } } void NormalizeToLargest (listelement_type * listptr) { listelement_type *tempptr; datatype normalfactor; tempptr = LargestItem(listptr); normalfactor = (tempptr -> dataitem) / MAXHD; while (listptr != NULL) { listptr -> dataitem = (listptr -> dataitem) / normalfactor ; listptr = listptr -> next; } } void PrintQueue (listelement_type * listptr) { if (listptr == NULL) printf ("Queue is empty!\n"); else while (listptr != NULL) { printf ("%f\t", listptr -> dataitem); listptr = listptr -> next; } printf ("\n"); } listelement_type * RemoveFirstItem (listelement_type * listptr) { listelement_type * tempptr; tempptr = listptr -> next; if (tempptr != NULL) tempptr -> prev = NULL; free (listptr); return tempptr; } listelement_type * RemoveLastItem (listelement_type * finalptr) { listelement_type * tempptr; tempptr = finalptr -> prev; tempptr -> next = NULL; free (finalptr); return tempptr; } /* void ClearQueueLtoF (listelement_type * finalptr) { while (finalptr != NULL) finalptr = RemoveLastItem (finalptr); } */ void ClearQueue (listelement_type * listptr) { while (listptr != NULL) listptr = RemoveFirstItem (listptr); } void Usage(char *argv[]) { printf("\nUsage: %s X-FILE H-FILE Y-FILE [-lxX-WINDOW] [-lhH-WINDOW] [-n]\n", argv[0]); printf("****************************************************\n"); printf("X-FILE, H-FILE = binary files to be CONVOLVED\n"); printf("Y-FILE = CONVOLUTION of X-FILE & H-FILE\n"); printf("[-xX-WINDOW] = maximum X-FILE window size (integer)\n"); printf("[-hH-WINDOW] = maximum H-FILE window size (integer)\n"); printf("Default window size = %d\n",MAXLENGTH_DEFAULT); printf("[-dDEC]Default Decrement Value = 0\n"); printf("[-n] = Normalize (if present, output normalizes to largest value\n"); printf("Brackets [] denote optional\n"); printf("Input and output files are SHORT INT (16 bit) (max value = %d)\n\n",MAXHD); exit(1); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { listelement_type *listptrx = NULL, *currptrx = NULL, *finalptrx = NULL, *listptrh = NULL, *currptrh = NULL, *finalptrh = NULL, *listptry = NULL, *currptry = NULL, *finalptry = NULL; int i, fileflag, xwindow=MAXLENGTH_DEFAULT, hwindow=MAXLENGTH_DEFAULT; short int hd_data=0, norm=FALSE; char *xfile = "xtemp.dat"; char *hfile = "htemp.dat"; char *yfile = "ytemp.dat"; float decrement=0.0; FILE *fp; if((argc<8)&&(argc>3)) { fileflag=0; for(i=1;i next != NULL) { currptrh = currptrh -> next; finalptry = AddItemOldList (finalptry, MultItem (currptrx, currptrh,decrement)); } while (currptrx -> next != NULL) { currptrx = currptrx -> next; finalptry = AddItemOldList (finalptry, MultItem (currptrx,currptrh,decrement)); } if (norm != FALSE) NormalizeToLargest (listptry); /* Store Cross correlation in file fp as SHORT INT */ if ((fp = fopen(yfile, "wb")) == NULL) { printf("Cannot Open File %s \n",yfile); exit(1); } currptry = listptry; while (currptry != NULL) { hd_data = (short int)(currptry -> dataitem); if (fwrite(&hd_data, sizeof(short int), 1, fp) != 1) { printf ("Read Error\n"); exit(1); } currptry = currptry -> next; } fclose(fp); ClearQueue (listptrx); ClearQueue (listptrh); ClearQueue (listptry); printf("\nCONVOLUTION of %s and %s to %s successful\n\n",xfile,hfile,yfile); }