George graduates with his BSEE in Signal Processing and cannot find a
job (hard to believe!). His wife must do the work for the family,
causing him a great deal of strain. George is offered a job in smart
weapons research and development. He is against smart weapons warfare
but it may be the only job open to him in the near future. His wife
is not necessarily against smart weapons and a zealous man will get
the job if George refuses it. What should he do?
Possible Actions:
Act Utilitarian: George would have to consider the
consequences of his work on society. Would it be a net benefit
of the public good? It may be the weapons are never used and
just keep two countries at bay, hence preventing a war. If a
war starts he may be endangering the live of thousands or millions
of people. The zealous man may make more developments than George
if he gets the office. What will become of his family if he does
not take the job?
Rule Utilitarian: George would use some of the rules
he or society has developed to help guide him through his choice.
He would have to balance his love for his wife against his beliefs
about smart weapons warfare.
Deontology: George would need to examine his own beliefs
and do what he (not society) thinks is the right thing to do.
His choice may not benefit society but it would be the moral
choice for him.