VALUES: ideals or concepts that give meaning to the
individual's life; values are most commonly derived from societal
MORALS: the fundamental standards of right and wrong that
an individual learns and internalizes usually in the early stages
of childhood; it is generally based upon religious beliefs, although
societal influence plays an important role; moral
behavior is often manifested as behavior in accordance with a group's
LAWS: defined as rules of social conduct devised by
people to protect society; based upon the concerns for fairness and
justice; the fundamental goal of society's laws is the preservation
of the species; and laws are enforceable through police action;
ETHICS: declarations of what is right or wrong; and
what ought to be; these are systems of valued behaviors and beliefs
and serve the purpose of governing conduct to ensure the protection
of an individual's rights; ethics exist on several levels from the
individual to the society at large; there are no system to enforce
ethical statements or stands;
A CODE OF ETHICS: written list of a profession's values and
standards of conduct; it provides a framework of decision-making for
the profession and should be oriented toward the day-to-day
decisions made by members of the profession;
AN ETHICAL DILEMNA: requires an individual to make a choice
between 2 equally unfavorable alternatives; by the very nature of an
ethical dilemna, there is no one good solution, and the decision made
often has to be defended against those who disagree with it;