We propose the creation of a club designed to stimulate interest in
extracurricular activities in math, science, and other related
technical activities. We advocate a project-oriented format in which
students will work in teams (typically three to four people) on
projects of mutual interest. There will be few restrictions on the
scope of the projects. We will encourage cross-disciplinary endeavors
such as explorations in the physical sciences, art and literature
through desktop publishing and multimedia presentations. The common
bond amongst these activities will be some form of computer-related
work (programming, desktop publishing, graphic design), and public
exchange of information via the web (web sites, archives, applets).
proposed schedule
for some suggested activities in the first year of the club.
Participation in the club should focus on seventh and eighth graders
in the first year, and build out from there depending on interest.
This is consistent with our goal of stimulating interest in science
at an early stage so that their subsequent high school education
will maintain a proper balance between science and liberal arts.
Students will be expected to have some access to computing at home
to reinforce what is learned during the club meetings. Regular use
of email, web sites, and other resources, will be encouraged.
It is important to understand that the vision for this club is a group
of highly self-motivated students working on projects that they define
and execute. In an effort to keep things moving forward, we will need
to define some long-term goals in the form of public display of their
work. The club advisor will mainly act in an advisory capacity to
ensure the students have the proper resources. There will be little
formal instruction, and most instruction will involve small teams of
students in one-on-one settings. Club meetings will be
casual. Students will need to be mature (and self-motivated) enough to
make productive use of this time with minimal supervision.
In the first year or so, the focus will have to be basic computing
skills and establishment of club infrastructure, such as computer accounts,
web sites, computational resources, etc. The long-term goal of the
club, however, should be to engage in significant science and
technology-related challenges. At the same time, there will undoubtedly
be interest in improving the school newsletter, developing more
live on-line resources related to social activities, and even augmenting
the school's web pages. It is important we do not discourage
such liberal arts-minded students from participating in this club, since
at this age they are assuredly not clear about their long-term interests.
Hence, we have attempted to cast this club in a broader light.
Nevertheless, in subsequent years, we would prefer to see more of a focus
in using computer technology to learn about the physical sciences.
Specific ideas that would make good first-year activities would
- Skill-building:
- regular use of a web browser and email;
- personal web page and document creation;
- basic file transfers;
- simple html programming concepts;
- very basic fundamentals of programming;
- an appreciation for basic aspects of computer networking
and telecommunications;
- an appreciation of the connections between
math and computer programming.
- Possible focus projects:
- a club web site;
- a junior high school weekly newsletter;
- an on-line component to the annual yearbook;
- an interactive web site displaying some data
collected locally (weather, cafeteria information,
sports, web cameras, other networked devices such
as soft drink machines);
- automated processing of this data to do something
interesting (produce trends in the temperature,
remotely controlled cameras or robots).
I am sure the students will quickly come up with a much more interesting
set of projects. Most of the things described above are fairly
trivial to do with the proper infrastructure.
One of the reasons this initiative is important is that computing
as we know it is about to undergo a fundamental paradigm shift to
wireless devices. At Mississippi State, our entering freshman engineers
are now required to purchase laptops. We have a wireless network in
and around the building that lets them stay connected anywhere in the
building. Smart palmtop computers and cellphones (with cameras) are about
to revolutionize the degree to which students stay connected to
the network. We need to start moving in a direction that will allow
students to put such technology to good use in the classroom.
More and more resources that they access will be directly on the
(wireless) network. The Young Explorers Club can be a valuable
organization that contributes to this evolution, and gains
a fair amount of state-wide and nationwide publicity for the school
in the process.
We should not let a lack of resources temper what we might be able to
accomplish with this initiative. Most schools seem to be able to
easily raise money for such leading-edge technology-oriented
programs. The current computer lab and high school curriculum already
provide many of the resources required to accomplish the above tasks.
We can certainly get started without any new investment (except for
those club T-shirts and hats of course!). What we lack in resources
we can easily acquire with a minimum of investment once we have a
better idea of where the initiative is headed, and what is the level
of interest.
Finally, my interest in taking on this project is that I have
5th and 7th grade daughters that I would like to see exposed
to more technology. Like most kids, they would rather do this
jointly with their friends than taking instruction from "Dad."
If you want to know more about my background, you can view my
read about my
research lab,
or view some of the
I teach. I have had experience teaching students at levels ranging
from elementary school to graduate school.
My research lab employs a large number of undergraduates, and has even
employed some local Mississippi high school students from time to time.
I can assure you that students who complete a few years of participation
in the activities described above will be able to find employment
opportunities on campus as upper-level high school students, and
will significantly enhance their chances of being accepted to top colleges.
Best regards,
Joe Picone
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mississippi State University